
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Week 27 • Teens-"Only"

This past Fourth of July weekend my daughter, son-in-law and our four grand kids drove up to our home in Daytona Beach to spend the Holiday weekend. I've told my two teenage grandkids about the challenges I participate (or try to) every week at I Heart Faces. When I explained to them that this week the challenge was ONLY for teen photos they were game. I have to admit I was slightly excited myself along with a little fearful of the conflict it might cause (LOL). So, after much arguing over who had the best shot and who wanted my camera next, we chose this photo taken by my (almost 15) teenage grandson at the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse. I thought it was quite interesting and amusing when he (once again) asked for the camera and got down on the ground and asked me to stand still.....(so yes, thats me in the photo).......I am hopeful that they will get that photo-bug. (Oh yes and a little photo editing with Grandma's help on LR3). He was totally thrilled when we added his name to the photo...hehehe too cute. I think he did a swell job. Good job Junior!!!

Make sure you go and check out all the other amazing entries at I Heart Faces.


stepko said...

Oo so funny and great story!! Seems like you had much fun!! Love the photo!! So beautiful blue sky and the perspective is so great and creative!! wow!!

madison kate said...

Love the colors, and the angle. Great capture!

TidyMom said...

What a fun capture!!! I love when I see my girls get a bit of the photo-bug!!

My daughter's entry here
and her friends here